breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
The Guardian: JWs let repentant child sex abudsers return to church
by AndersonsInfo in
excuse the typo in subject heading.
i'm watching the royal commission hearings and trying to post this link to the guardian at the same time.
breakfast of champions
Sometimes the truth hurts. . . . . -
Governing Body member is in Australia right now!
by Anonymous1 insorry i have to remain completely anonymous about this but you will see why.
i have first hand knowledge that geoffrey jackson of the governing body is staying with his parents in toowoomba, queensland for the next few weeks.
he has already been in australia for a couple of weeks.
breakfast of champions
This thread is surreal. . . In a good way!
I hope they nail the bastard, if not now, perhaps sometime in the near future.
Royal Commission live streamingstarting soon!
by possum inaugust.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
breakfast of champions
I don't think this is lunch - just a quick break. They usually break for lunch in around an hour and 15 min from now. -
Saturday, Elders response to Royal Commission
by umbertoecho inon saturday the elder and his wife turned up.
i have my reasons for not turning them away at the moment, at least, not until the completion of the rc.. i asked him about his thoughts on the rc.
he said that he thought it was easy and nothing to worry about.
breakfast of champions
UMBERTO - Serious question: Did your elder friend actually watch the RC and look at the evidence, or did he glance quickly at the newspaper stand or turn the channel as it appeared on the news? -
Saturday, Elders response to Royal Commission
by umbertoecho inon saturday the elder and his wife turned up.
i have my reasons for not turning them away at the moment, at least, not until the completion of the rc.. i asked him about his thoughts on the rc.
he said that he thought it was easy and nothing to worry about.
breakfast of champions
"Royal Commission, Schmoil Commission" - JW elder -
Big Concepts That JWs Won't Even Allow Themselves To Consider
by JW_Rogue inbecause of the belief that the bible is quite literally the word god jws must shut out many logical concepts and theories.
it's not just evolution although that is a large one.
i know when i was in there were certain concepts that made sense to me but i would try not to think about them too much.
breakfast of champions
One "big concept" that overturned everything I knew as a JW:
The question, "How do I know what I know?"
More Inspiring Young Awakenings
by freemindfade ini just found these vidoes on youtube, maybe you have seen them already, but i thought i would share.
these canadian kids for me are courageous and inspiring.
more excellent public examples of non vitrial apostate awakening.
breakfast of champions
Cute couple and I am so happy for them. I think they nailed it as far as getting your significant other to know TTATT. Trust and love is what it's all about.
Remind me very much of a young couple my wife and I are friends with.
The Jehovah's Witnesses, the Royal Commission and the Catholic Church
by OrphanCrow ina catholic forum has a discussion thread: "jehovah witness now appear with the royal commission".. i have made the comment before that dr. applewhite's appearance in support of the jws is not surprising if you consider that the royal commissions' findings will impact the structure of the cathoilc church as well.
the catholic church has a vested interest in the jws' hearing - if the jws are forced to change their organizational structure, so will the catholics.. the following post is an excellent discussion on the similarities and differences between the catholic church and the jws structure.
breakfast of champions
Checking out your link to the Catholic forum. . . . Extremely interesting! -
Labeling one self "Atheist" is Unscientific
by LAWHFol ini have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
breakfast of champions
I am not agnostic I am an atheist. Agnostics just need to think it through a bit more. -COFTY
I somewhat disagree with COFTY here (or perhaps I disagree with the common conception of what an atheistic or agnostic person is).
I think agnosticism and atheism are two entirely different things.
Agnosticism has to do with knowledge, i.e. "How do I know (whatever)?"
Atheism has to do with non-belief, i.e. "I do not believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Donald Trump or Harry Potter."
I am solidly atheist. I do not believe in God. I have no doubt that there is no god. I am not waiting for him to tap me on the shoulder.However, I do believe that a measure of intellectual agnosticism is neccesary (at least for me) for a healthy mental life. I think it is important to ask myself the question, "How do I know what I know?"
Labeling one self "Atheist" is Unscientific
by LAWHFol ini have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
breakfast of champions
I am also labeling myself: